Types of anesthesia
Anesthesia. This is a quick and effective type of local anesthesia, which is carried out at Este-line using a computer system. It allows for precise calculation of anesthetic dosage and the patient feels no discomfort.
Sedation (treatment of teeth in drug-induced sleep).. Dental treatment under sedation is performed by putting the patient into a deep sleep through a nitrous oxide injection or inhalation through a mask. Masked anesthesia is generally used in pediatric dentistry.
They differ in the depth of sleep immersion:
- Superficial sedation. The patient experiences deep relaxation while hearing and responding to the doctor’s commands. Drug-induced sleep dental treatment involves the additional use of local anesthesia. Patients often choose this method of anesthesia when they suffer from dentophobia, which is a fear of dental treatment. The advantages of this method are less salivation, no risk of heart palpitations or breathing difficulties. The patient is completely relaxed and follows the doctor’s commands, which increases the effectiveness of the treatment.
- Deep sedation (general anesthesia). The patient falls into a deep sleep and does not perceive what is happening. This type of anesthesia does not require additional local anesthesia. Waking up after anesthesia, the patient feels awake and rested. There are no negative manifestations such as nausea and vomiting.
Dentistry under anesthesia in Kyiv
There are the following indications for dental treatment under anesthesia:
- The patient is allergic to available local anesthetics;
- extensive scope of treatment (multiple caries, several different procedures in one session);
- implantation, application of veneers;
- prosthetics;
- Removal of wisdom teeth with a problematic root;
- Oral surgery procedures;
- increased gag reflex;
- hypertension (to avoid a pressure spike caused by the stress of being in the chair);
- if the patient wishes, and if there are no contraindications for deep sedation.
Contraindications to dental treatment under anesthesia
- pregnancy;
- epilepsy;
- craniocerebral trauma;
- allergy to a sedative;
- cold-related illness (stuffy nose);
- period of exacerbation of chronic disease (especially cardiovascular and respiratory system);
- weakened immune system.
What is the procedure for dental treatment in medically assisted sleep
A few days before the procedure, the patient consults a dentist, who establishes the absence of contraindications to treatment under general anesthesia. In some cases, it is recommended cardiogram, to check the condition of the heart. The last meal should be at least 4 hours before the procedure.
Prior to the procedure begins an experienced anesthesiologist of the clinic injects a catheter into a vein and injects the necessary dose of sedative with a syringe or infusometer in a specially equipped room. A patient falls into a deep sleep a few minutes later and wakes up after the operation. After awakening from anesthesia he rests and recuperates in a quiet and comfortable rest room.